New Boston School and Town Elections – Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Polls are open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm in the Tom Mansfield Gym at the New Boston Central School.
"A Special Place to Learn and Grow"
Located in a rural setting, New Boston Central School has a positive school climate. Children enjoy attending school. Staff and students believe that each student is capable of making significant academic progress. Thematic teaching, critical skills, cooperative learning, participation in purposeful multi-age activities, and integrated units ensure that the children perceive the learning experience as a relevant one. Students are given the opportunity to explore mathematics using manipulatives and are encouraged to ask questions and take risks.
Bobcat News
The New Boston Central School publishes a regular newsletter that contains helpful information for families to keep informed about what is happening at the school and within the wider community.
Click on the links below to download the latest "Bobcat News" (Adobe PDF format):